In fact, there are many benefits for people who live in tropical countries like Indonesia. One of them is the presence of a variety of plant species that produce a variety of healthy fruits that can be consumed every day.
Such as pineapple, mangosteen, salak, to several other fruits that may be rarely found outside Indonesia. These fruits have also been proven to have many benefits for the body. In addition to being able to meet daily nutritional needs, fruit can also prevent disease. Experts also recommend that you consume at least 400 grams of fruits and vegetables/day to stay healthy.
Well, there are several important reasons why you need to eat fruit every day:
Fruits are a Source of Vitamins and Minerals
Fruits are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. Some of the important nutrients from these fruits include folate, vitamins A, B, B1, B6, C, and potassium. The vitamin and mineral content of fruits does vary, but all provide good nutrition for the body.
Moreover, some of the vitamins and minerals contained in fruits also contain antioxidants. This substance is very important for fighting free radicals and keeping the immune system healthy.
Fruits as a Source of Fiber
Fruits are one of the excellent sources of dietary fiber for overall body health. The benefits of eating fruits rich in fiber will maintain intestinal health, prevent constipation, and other digestive problems.
The habit of eating high fiber intake in fruits can also reduce the risk of colon cancer. In addition to maintaining digestive health, eating fibrous foods also helps lower bad cholesterol levels in the body.
Reduce the risk of various diseases
Another reason to eat fruits every day that should not be underestimated is their ability to reduce the risk of chronic diseases. For example, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes which are the main causes of death.
Several studies have shown that eating fruit every day can reduce the risk of heart disease by up to 7 percent. Regularly eating fruit can also help lower blood pressure and reduce stress. Both play a role in reducing the risk of heart disease.
Meanwhile, other studies have shown that eating fruits such as grapes, apples, and blueberries have been shown to reduce the risk of diabetes. While eating citrus fruits can provide benefits in reducing the risk of kidney stones.
Fruits Are A Healthy Diet Choice
Fruits are good to consume regularly because they are low in fat and calories. However, make sure you consume them in the form of whole fruit or juice that is not given sugar or other additives. In addition, make sure you consume fruit in a fresh condition and not processed. This is intended to obtain optimal benefits.
Basically, fruit has a lot of fiber and water content, so consuming fruit can make you feel full longer, than other intakes. Apples and oranges are also types of fruit that are rich in fiber so they can make you feel full longer.