Fruits and vegetables have a high content of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber compared to other types of food. Then fruits and vegetables are easy to find in our environment in Indonesia, even some types of fruits and vegetables are easy to grow in tropical areas like Indonesia., Eating lots of vegetables and enough fruits is one of the 10 (ten) guidelines for Balanced Nutrition.
It is known and proven that fruits and vegetables have very good benefits for body health, several areas of Nepal, and also Sardinia are known that their residents are relatively healthier and live longer because they consume lots of fruits and vegetables.
However, it turns out that there are still many people who do not fully understand the benefits of fruits and vegetables for health, because they generally prefer cakes, chocolate or fried foods for snacks rather than consuming fruits or vegetables.
Health Benefits
Various studies have shown that adequate consumption of vegetables and fruits plays a role in maintaining normal blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Adequate consumption of vegetables and fruits also reduces the risk of constipation and obesity. This shows that adequate consumption of vegetables and fruits plays a role in preventing chronic non-communicable diseases. Adequate consumption of vegetables and fruits is one simple indicator of balanced nutrition.
Here are some of the health benefits of fruits and vegetables:
1. Improve Memory.
Antioxidants contained in fruits and vegetables can protect brain cells and help improve memory.
2. Make the Body Fitter.
Fruits and vegetables have high vitamin and mineral content. Vitamins together with enzymes react to produce energy; thus making the body fitter.
3. Smoothens Defecation.
Fruits and vegetables contain high fiber which can increase the smoothness of the body’s metabolism, as well as smooth bowel movements. Smooth bowel movements avoid the reabsorption of metabolic waste by the intestines.
4. Helps Overcome Obesity.
The high fiber content in fruits and vegetables provides a feeling of fullness for longer and can even reduce excessive food portions.
5. Prevent and Treat Cancer.
Fruits and vegetables are rich in minerals, vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants. This type of nutrition can strengthen the body and increase immunity to fight various types of diseases naturally, including cancer.
6. Makes Feelings Happier.
Antioxidants in fruits and vegetables have been shown to reduce inflammation in the body and can protect a person from depression (antidepressants).
The benefits of consuming fruits and vegetables for the health of the body are so great, so from now on replace the snack and snack menu such as cakes, chocolate, fried foods with consuming fruits and vegetables; perhaps fruit and vegetable juice is an interesting menu choice.
Increase consumption of vegetables and fruits
Indonesian people still lack in consuming vegetables and fruits, the average consumption of vegetables by Indonesian people is only 63.3% of the recommended consumption amount, and for fruits it is only 62.1% of the recommended consumption amount. In fact, vegetables and fruits in Indonesia are very diverse and numerous.
Ingredients in Fruit and Vegetables
In general, vegetables and fruits are sources of various vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Some vitamins and minerals contained in vegetables and fruits act as antioxidants or antidotes to bad compounds in the body. Unlike vegetables, fruits also provide carbohydrates, especially fructose and glucose. Certain vegetables also provide carbohydrates, such as carrots and potatoes. While certain fruits also provide unsaturated fats such as avocados and red fruits. Therefore, consuming vegetables and fruits is an important part of realizing Balanced Nutrition.
Be Careful with Sugar
The riper the fruit containing carbohydrates, the higher the fructose and glucose content, which is characterized by a sweeter taste. In the current urban Indonesian food culture, sugary juice drinks are increasingly well-known. A glass of sugary fruit juice contains 150-300 calories, about half of which is from the added sugar. In addition, some types of fruit also increase the risk of bloating and gout. Therefore, consumption of overripe fruit and sugary juice drinks needs to be limited in order to help control blood sugar levels.
WHO Recommendations
The World Health Organization (WHO) generally recommends the consumption of vegetables and fruits for a healthy life of 400 g per person per day, consisting of 250 g of vegetables (equivalent to 2½ servings or 2 ½ cups of vegetables after being cooked and drained) and 150 g of fruit (equivalent to 3 medium-sized Ambon bananas or 1 ½ pieces of medium-sized papaya or 3 medium-sized oranges). For Indonesians, it is recommended to consume 300-400 g of vegetables and fruits per person per day for toddlers and school-age children, and 400-600 g per person per day for adolescents and adults. About two-thirds of the recommended amount of vegetable and fruit consumption is a portion of vegetables.