There are several benefits of avocado for body health that you need to know. Such as maintaining a healthy weight, good for skin health, and can even prevent cancer.”
Avocado is a fruit from Mexico and Central America that is rich in various nutritional content.
The various nutritional content makes this fruit have many benefits that are good for health.
In addition to being beneficial, this fruit has a sweet and delicious taste. In fact, you can try avocado with various different processing methods.
But before that, it’s a good idea to read the following explanation, okay.
Nutritional and Vitamin Content of Avocado Fruit
The following is the nutritional and vitamin content contained in 201 grams, aka one whole avocado:
- Calories: 322 kcal
- Healthy fats: 33 grams
- Protein: 4 grams
- Carbohydrates: 17 grams
- Fiber: 14 grams
- Vitamin C: 22 percent of the RDI
- Riboflavin: 20 percent of the RDI
- Vitamin E: 28 percent of the RDI
- Vitamin K: 35 percent of the RDI
- Niacin: 22 percent of the RDI
- Pantothenic acid: 56 percent of the RDI
- Pyridoxine: 30 percent of the RDI
- Folate: 41 percent of the RDI
- Magnesium: 14 percent of the RDI
- Potassium: 21 percent of the RDI
- Copper: 42 percent of the RDI
- Manganese: 12 percent of the RDI
Benefits of Avocado Fruit for the Body
The many nutrients contained in avocados make them beneficial for body health.
Here are various benefits of this fruit with the Latin name Persea Americana for your health and that of your family.
1. Maintain body weight
Avocados contain fiber and carbohydrates, so consuming them can make you feel full longer.
Although they contain fat, avocados do not cause weight gain. This is because the fat contained in this fruit is good fat.
According to the journal Nutrients, the habit of consuming avocados can reduce weight gain.
However, avoid consuming avocados excessively, because the calories in this fruit are quite high.
2. Control blood sugar levels
The next benefit of avocado is controlling blood pressure. In other words, this fruit is very good for diabetics.
Although it contains carbohydrates, the glycemic index of avocado is very low, so it will not affect blood sugar levels.
In addition to avocado, find out other safe fruits for diabetics through this article → 6 Safe Fruit Choices for Diabetics
3. Prevent constipation
Constipation occurs because you lack fiber intake or your body’s daily fluid intake is not met.
So, to overcome this condition, you can meet your fiber intake and drink at least two liters every day. Well, you can get this fiber intake from avocados.
4. Control blood pressure
In addition to fiber and good fats, avocados are also rich in potassium.
This type of mineral is very useful for helping to control blood pressure and prevent high blood pressure.
Not only that, potassium is also very good for helping to regulate the heartbeat to remain normal.
5. Maintain eye health
Avocados contain antioxidants such as zeaxanthin and lutein. According to a study published in the journal Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, both types of antioxidants are essential for supporting eye health.
This means that regularly consuming avocados in moderate amounts can help reduce the risk of vision problems in old age.
The study also explains that both zeaxanthin and lutein can help prevent macular degeneration and cataracts.
6. Maintain heart health
The benefits of avocados are also inseparable from heart health. The content of minerals, protein, fiber, healthy fats, and vitamins in it are very good for maintaining heart health.
Getting used to consuming fruits and vegetables, including this one fruit, can help reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels and increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels in the body.
Bad cholesterol or LDL levels that are too high can trigger various health complaints.
For example, blockages in blood vessels in the heart, thereby increasing the risk of heart health problems. This is the reason why avocados are recommended as a fruit in a healthy menu for people with cardiovascular problems.
Read more about the benefits of this fruit for heart health in this article → These are 6 Fruits That Can Maintain Heart Health
7. Prevent osteoporosis
What are the benefits of avocado for women? This can be an important point. Because, this fruit can prevent osteoporosis.
Consuming 201 grams of avocado can meet 35 percent of daily vitamin K needs.
Vitamin K is one of the vitamins that is very good for maintaining and controlling bone health.
Meeting the need for vitamin K makes calcium absorption more optimal so that bones become stronger.
Vitamin K is also good for reducing calcium excretion through urine.
You also need to understand, women are more susceptible to osteoporosis than men. So, you should consume avocados regularly to prevent it.
Did you know that peaches also have good benefits for bones?
8. Prevent cancer
Cancer is one of the dangerous diseases. There are various ways to prevent this disease, one of which is by consuming avocados.
This fruit contains high levels of folate to prevent colon, stomach, pancreatic, and cervical cancer.
Avocados also contain high levels of phytochemicals and carotenoids that are anticancer. Both of these contents can prevent cancer from developing into a more severe stage.
Even so, further research is still needed regarding the efficacy of avocados for cancer.
9. Maintaining mental health
Avocados contain quite high folate. Well, someone who lacks folate intake is at higher risk of experiencing depression.
This is because folate can prevent the accumulation of homocysteine, a substance that can cause circulatory disorders and nutrient delivery to the brain.
10. Maintaining the health of the fetus in the womb
The next benefit of avocado is related to pregnancy. It is no secret that this fruit is very good for pregnant women. The reason is, this one fruit contains quite high folic acid.
11. Optimizing women’s reproductive health
Avocados play an important role in maintaining women’s reproductive health. This is because avocados contain vitamin E which is very good for optimizing the health of the uterine lining.
Not only that, according to the Nutrients journal, the unsaturated fatty acid content in avocados is also good for maintaining regular ovulation.
Benefits of Avocado for Skin Health
Healthy and glowing skin is everyone’s dream. Avocado, a delicious and nutritious fruit, turns out to have many extraordinary benefits for facial skin health.
Here are some of the benefits of avocado for skin health:
12. Prevent Skin Damage
Avocados contain a number of antioxidants that can help protect the skin from damage caused by excessive sun exposure.
UV rays can cause premature aging and even increase the risk of skin cancer.
By consuming avocados regularly, your skin will get additional protection from sun damage.
13. Improve Skin Elasticity
The healthy monounsaturated fat content in avocados can help improve skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Elastic skin looks younger and firmer.
By consuming avocados, you provide natural support for your skin’s collagen, which is responsible for maintaining skin elasticity.
14. Relieve Acne-Prone Skin
If you have acne-prone skin problems, avocados can be an effective natural solution. Avocado oil contains antimicrobial properties that can help relieve inflammation and reduce redness in acne-prone skin.
15. Prevent Dry Skin
Biotin, part of the vitamin B complex found in avocados, is known to be effective in preventing dry skin. Not only that, biotin also contributes to the health of your hair and nails.